A GPT-4 / DALL-E wrapper with specializations in markdown rendering
Belgium Air Quality
Combining multiple APIs to get air quality data for Belgium and explore correlations between traffic, weather and air quality
Code Blinx
An Expo app (with a Next.js promo page) for LLM assisted learning of programming languages and programming concepts by RAG on webscraped documentations
Deepest Ocean
An Angular app for real time 'town square' kind of messaging, uses a real time firebase database to store and broadcast messages
Connecting various sensor data into a nice dashboard to become more mindful about your work sessions
Leif AI - Navigate through buildings
A FastAPI app for ingesting images, and serving an agent for guiding the user towards their destination
Adam Mickiewicz LLM
A finetuned Mistral 7B on the works of Adam Mickiewicz, includes webscraping with Selenium to capture the data and LLM enhanced dataset for finetuning
Old Portfolio
Old portfolio page, built with React and Django
Meant to showcase the momentum of stock prices, uses FastAPI and Celery workers to update the price every 30m, React Frontend, When you click 'Predict' it will call on an LSTM and a simple linear regression to display potential future changes
A JavaFX game combined with a website, built for a school project in my first year. Meant to represent the game of 'Stratego'
A CRUD music management service built with Spring Boot and Thymeleaf
Youth Councils
A school project from my 2nd year, built using Spring Boot and Thymeleaf, the highlight here is the multitenancy system
A React App with a FastAPI backend, downloads data from the Bungie API for clanmates and parses it to display it in a nice and human readable way